Period covered by this operation update:
November 2013 to March 2014.
Appeal target (current): The overall budget is 276,366,942 Swiss francs including the Emergency Response Units (ERUs) value. The current appeal target without the ERUs value is 241,515,052 Swiss francs.
Programme summary: Since the January 2010 earthquake, when 1.5 million Haitians were displaced from their homes, there has been a 91 per cent decrease in the number of internally displaced households and 84 per cent reduction in the number of sites or camps. Return-and-relocation projects have been observed to have contributed considerably to the decrease in internally displaced persons (IDPs) sites.
Integrated Neighbourhood Approach (INA): The INA programme ended on 30 April 2014 and during this period, the INA team concentrated on finalizing final payments for unconditional grants, conducting monitoring visits for the relocated households as well as supporting various trainings.
The house retrofit component of the INA programme ended in December 2013, completing repairs and retrofit work for 168 damaged houses in 30 neighbourhoods in Carrefour Feuilles and Delmas, reaching a total of 215 families. In the permanent housing site of Haut Damier, Cabaret, 156 permanent reinforced concrete houses were built by USAID and handed over to Enterprise Publique pour la Promotion des Logements Sociaux (EPPLS) as part of a five-year social housing programme. The IFRC has been directly involved in the INA programme since 2012. The IFRC was responsible for the beneficiary selection in the initial phase of the project (2012 to 2013) followed by the relocation of 154 IDP families from 4 different camps.
The IFRC INA team continued the coaching of 52 community based health and first aid (CBHFA) community facilitators in Carrefour Feuilles and 30 neighbourhoods in Delmas, conducting door-to-door monitoring and facilitating focus group discussions on hygiene, health, nutrition, vaccination, malaria and cholera prevention, reaching 1,400 people and over 4,500 people in hand washing mass sensitization campaigns. In addition, six schools were reached in Delmas 30 and nine in Carrefour Feuilles by CBHFA promotion activities including class by class sensitization and focus group discussions with teachers, school staff and parents. From January to April 2014, 27 community facilitators were trained in CBHFA in the context of the social housing settlement of Cabaret Haut Damier, which is the third implementation site of the INA programme. The 27 trainees in turn conducted community-led education and promotion activities for 154 families living in newly built permanent houses and the host community surrounding the housing settlement. In addition, a number of door to door sensitization activities on malaria prevention and distribution of 2,000 mosquito nets, focus group discussions on road safety, First Aid interventions, family planning and hygiene promotion reached 1,130 people and 750 people were reached in hand washing mass sensitization.
All the four community based organizations (CBOs) that received funding from the IFRC were involved in the end line survey to determine the impact of the trainings. The results of this evaluation demonstrated that an average of 33 per cent of the trainees developed an income generating activity derived from the training received. Also, Konsey Nasyonal Finansman Popilè (KNFP)—a local socio-economic development organization—concluded the training sessions on business management to 241 IFRC national staff and community members.
On return and relocation, the last camp registered was Laiterie Damien, with 115 families being relocated bringing the total number of relocated households to 13,780. All the registered households were provided with basic numeracy, accountancy, household economy, savings schemes, marketing, business management and business plan development trainings. Unconditional cash grants also supported them as they established income generating activities.
Rural programmes (Leogane): The Leogane health programme will close on 31 December 2014 and an end line survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) is planned to begin in October 2014.
The IFRC water and sanitation programme in Leogane closed at the end June 2013 with 3,065 latrines being constructed as well as 3,003 hand washing stations and 3,026 garbage bins being provided. During the reporting period, the CBHFA community facilitators conducted awareness sessions on mitigation of discrimination/stigmatization reaching 4,308 people and distributing 3,341 flyers with key messages to all targeted households. The health team continued providing trainings on CBHFA modules, where 468 out of 646 CBHFA community facilitators completed all CBHFA training modules.