Haiti: Haiti Earthquake 2010: Four Years On
Source: Hong Kong Red CrossCountry: HaitiThe devastating Haiti earthquake in 2010 resulted in 220,000 deaths with over 1.5 million people displaced.Over the last four years, amidst the overwhelming...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti - Aide à la reconstruction (13 janvier 2014)
Source: Government of FranceCountry: France, HaitiQuatre ans après le tragique séisme du 12 janvier 2010, la France se tient aux côtés du peuple haïtien, auquel nous unissent une histoire, une...
View ArticleHaiti: Four Years Later: Salesian Missions has not forgotten Haiti
Source: Salesian MissionsCountry: Haiti(MissionNewswire) In the initial aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010, the Salesians were instrumental in emergency response...
View ArticleHaiti: Four Years After Devastating 2010 Quake 146,000 Haitians Remain in Camps
Source: International Organization for MigrationCountry: HaitiFour years after the earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January 2010, an estimated 146,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), or 39,000...
View ArticleHaiti: Four years after earthquake, Haiti sees progress, faces challenges in...
Source: Pan American Health OrganizationCountry: HaitiFor 2014 and beyond, PAHO/WHO and UN partners say cholera elimination will be a top priorityWashington, D.C., 12 January 2014 (PAHO/WHO) — Four...
View ArticleHaiti: Four Years After the Haiti Earthquake, the Search for Solutions to...
Source: Brookings-LSE Project on Internal DisplacementCountry: HaitiFour years ago today, residents of Port-au-Prince, Haiti awoke to a city destroyed. The earthquake of January 12, 2010 killed as many...
View ArticleHaiti: Efforts de l'OIM pour loger les personnes déplacées, 4 ans après le...
Source: UN RadioCountry: HaitiEcouter l'extrait sonoreEn Haïti, quatre ans après le tremblement de terre qui a frappé très durement le pays le 12 janvier 2010, l'OIM, l'Organisation internationale pour...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti – Reconstruction assistance (January 13, 2014)
Source: Government of FranceCountry: HaitiFour years after the tragic earthquake of January 12, 2010, France stands alongside the Haitian people, with whom we share a common history, geography and...
View ArticleHaiti: Ce que j'ai appris en construisant des logements collectifs à...
Source: World BankCountry: HaitiSoumis par Lora Vicariot le mardi, 07/01/2014Delmas 32 est un réseau complexe d'allées étroites, qui se caractérise par des logements épars et des constructions de...
View ArticleHaiti: Crisis Mapping Haiti: Some Final Reflections
Source: UshahidiCountry: HaitiFor various reasons, the Ushahidi-Haiti Project continues to be cited in numerous reports, book chapters, media articles and conferences more than two years after the...
View ArticleWorld: Harnessing Operational Systems Engineering to Support Peacebuilding
Source: US Institute of PeaceCountry: Haiti, Kenya, World, South Sudan (Republic of)Report of a Workshop by the National Academy of Engineering and the United States Institute of Peace Roundtable on...
View ArticleHaiti: Quatre ans après le séisme dévastateur, 146 000 Haïtiens vivent...
Source: International Organization for MigrationCountry: HaitiHaïti - Quatre ans après le séisme qui a frappé Haïti le 12 janvier 2010, environ 146 000 déplacés internes, soit 39 000 familles, vivent...
View ArticleHaiti: Urban Disaster Response and Recovery: Gender-sensitive WASH...
Source: OxfamCountry: HaitiHaiti four years on: a WASH partnership that workedFour years ago this week a deadly 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince. Successful partnership with the...
View ArticleHaiti: Séisme-Reconstruction : La situation est critique, selon la...
Source: AlterPresseCountry: HaitiP-au-P, 16 janv. 2014 [AlterPresse] --- La Concertation pour Haïti, une plateforme d’organisations et associations québécoises de solidarité, dénonce une « situation...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti earthquake - Four-year progress report, January 2014
Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent SocietiesCountry: HaitiA note on reading this reportThis report presents a collective portrait of the Red Cross and Red Crescent plans,...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti, quatre ans après
Source: Croix-Rouge FrançaiseCountry: HaitiQuatre ans après le séisme du 12 janvier 2010, Haïti se relève lentement de cette tragédie. Certains indicateurs de progrès sont visibles, comme la baisse...
View ArticleHaiti: How long will impunity continue for attacks against people displaced...
Source: AmnestyCountry: HaitiAMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC STATEMENTIndex AI: AMR 36/004/201417 January 2014A thorough and impartial investigation must be immediately initiated into the causes of the 11...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti : à quand la fin de l’impunité pour les attaques contre les...
Source: AmnestyCountry: HaitiAMNESTY INTERNATIONAL DÉCLARATION PUBLIQUEIndex AI : AMR 36/004/201417 janvier 2014Une enquête approfondie et impartiale doit être immédiatement ouverte sur les causes de...
View ArticleHaiti: Humanitarian crises, emergency preparedness and response: the role of...
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, ODI - Humanitarian Policy Group, Humanitarian Futures ProgrammeCountry: HaitiThis paper analyses the role of the private sector in...
View ArticleHaiti: Four Years After Haiti’s Earthquake, Still Waiting for a Roof
Source: Inter Press ServiceCountry: HaitiBy Jane Regan and Milo MilfortCarrefour, HAITI, Jan 20 2014 (IPS) - Mimose Gérard sits in her tent at Gaston Margron camp, surrounded by large bags filled with...
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