World: The digital transformation of emergency relief and healthcare
Source: Terre des hommesCountry: Burkina Faso, Haiti, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, WorldThe digital revolution is already having many effects on our society.Mobile apps and other resources abound with...
View ArticleHaiti: Internally displaced by the 2010 earthquake: Distribution of mosquito...
Source: International Organization for MigrationCountry: HaitiHaiti is experiencing a new hurricane season, and recent heavy rains have flooded low land areas, overfilled the water drainage channels...
View ArticleHaiti: Déplacés du séisme de 2010 : Distribution de moustiquaires et...
Source: International Organization for MigrationCountry: HaitiEn ce moment, Haiti connait une nouvelle saison cyclonique, les dernières fortes précipitations ont inondés les canaux d’évacuation d’eau...
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti-Séisme : 7 ans après, aucune leçon tirée des mauvaises pratiques...
Source: AlterPresseCountry: HaitiPar Jean Elie PaulP-au-P, 05 sept. 2017 [AlterPresse] --- Aucune leçon réelle ne semble être tirée des mauvaises pratiques de construction sur le territoire national en...
View ArticleWorld: IOM Operations on Internal Displacement, March 2017
Source: International Organization for MigrationCountry: Afghanistan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic...
View ArticleHaiti: Humanitarian aid : 7 years after the 2010 earthquake, who remains...
Source: International Organization for MigrationCountry: HaitiMore than 7 years later, 3% of the population displaced by the earthquake still lives in camps. Meet these men, women and children at the...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti: Mission accomplished in Christ Roi
Source: Solidarités InternationalCountry: HaitiIn the few hours following the earthquake in Haiti on 12th January 2010, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL took action to overcome the needs for reconstruction....
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti: Humanitarian Snapshot (August 2017)
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: Dominican Republic, HaitiThe humanitarian context in Haiti is marked by the continued downward trend of cholera. For the period of...
View ArticleHaiti: Haiti : Aperçu humanitaire (août 2017)
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: Dominican Republic, HaitiLe contexte humanitaire en Haïti est marqué par le maintien de la tendance à la baisse du choléra. Pour...
View ArticleHaiti: Images of the legacy of the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti
Source: UN News Service, UN Stabilization Mission in HaitiCountry: Haiti12 October 2017 – The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Haiti, known as MINUSTAH, will close on 15 October 2017, replaced...
View ArticleHaiti: Rapport du Secrétaire général sur la Mission des Nations Unies pour la...
Source: UN Security CouncilCountry: Dominican Republic, HaitiI. IntroductionLe présent rapport est soumis en application de la résolution 2350 (2017), par laquelle le Conseil de sécurité a prorogé le...
View ArticleHaiti: Histoire en photos de la mission de maintien de la paix de l’ONU en Haïti
Source: UN News Service, UN Stabilization Mission in HaitiCountry: Haiti12 octobre 2017 – La mission de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies en Haïti, connue sous le nom de MINUSTAH, fermera le 15...
View ArticleHaiti: Statement by Sweden at the UN Security Council Debate on MINUSTAH
Source: Government of SwedenCountry: Haiti, SwedenNational Statement delivered by Ambassador Carl Skau on behalf of Sweden at the United Nations Security Council Debate on the United Nations...
View ArticleHaiti: Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization...
Source: UN Security CouncilCountry: Dominican Republic, HaitiI. Introduction1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2350 (2017), by which the Council extended the...
View ArticleHaiti: IDB approve $8 million grant for population and housing census in Haiti
Source: Inter-American Development BankCountry: HaitiHaiti’s Statistics and Informatics Institute (IHSI, after its French initials) will receive the technical and financial resources needed to conduct...
View ArticleHaiti: La BID approuve 8 millions de dollars pour subventionner le...
Source: Inter-American Development BankCountry: HaitiL’Institut haïtien de statistique et d’informatique (IHSI) disposera des moyens techniques et financiers pour mener à bien le cinquième recensement...
View ArticleWorld: Addressing culture and context in humanitarian response: preparing...
Source: BioMed CentralCountry: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Nepal, Syrian Arab Republic, WorldAbstractDelivery of effective mental health and psychosocial support programs requires...
View ArticleWorld: Resilient housing for resilient cities
Source: World Bank, GFDRRCountry: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, World
View ArticleHaiti: Haïti-USA : 59000 Haïtiens sous Statut de protection temporaire ont 18...
Source: AlterPresseCountry: Haiti, United States of AmericaP-au-P., 20 nov. 2017 [AlterPresse] --- Les autorités américaines annoncent avoir mis fin au Statut de protection temporaire (Tps) pour les...
View ArticleUnited States of America: US Ending Temporary Permits for Almost 60,000 Haitians
Source: Voice of AmericaCountry: Haiti, United States of AmericaAfter years of being shielded from deportation from the United States while their country recovers from a devastating 2010 earthquake,...
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